This Week 9/6


“David Bowie developed a new guise for each album, Madonna for each song release, Lady Gaga seems to have one for every news cycle”. Jon Pareles in NYT

“The masses will accept something new, it’s the people in between who will fight you.” Jimmy Iovine in the same article.

“Poppers don’t last long in the hands of a teenage boy and that makes them a good analogy for antimatter the universe’s strange and elusive “twin” version of mass.” Neither does a juvenile interpretation of a comment on NPR last long in the hands of Mr Troup

“The bankers were kind enough to spare the select committee some time today!” Paxman

“CHER wil @! Bkuyl Now Viavqra Clialis”
“Mon cher bien-aim? dans le Christ” My spam’s gone French this week…

“Yeah Ken (Clark), I support you… whole-heartedly (right, everyone go stab him in the back quick…)” D. Cameron (may have said this)


This week I have mostly been teaching myself a cross between basic html and ‘creative writing’… I’m not sure the two are such great bed fellows to be honest… still, ever onwards. We might have a shiny new site next week if we’re lucky… no promises tho. “You promised the earth man, you never gave it me!” Can I just qualify this week’s picture. It’s not just a randomly bad picture of an egg box, it’s a blurred picture of some Lard Farm eggs… yeah Wil, it’s always best when you have to explain the joke!

“Under the new law, anyone caught wearing a bikini or swimming trunks in the streets of Barcelona faces fines of between 120 (105) and 300 (262).” Jesus, what are all the pasty faced brits going to do @ Sonar next week… jesus and drinking in the streets. Will there be a lot of cancelled flights? Is this the end of ‘off-sonar’ as we know it?

Right then, it’s about that time when the entire dance community decamps to the Catalan capital and proceeds to not pay any attention to one of the greatest electronic music festivals in the world and instead runs around a seemingly endless array of parties to gak each other on the back. I know where my preference will lie next Thursday. Mainly Floating Points, Nicolas Jaar, Dels or something weird and wonderful I’ve never listened to before, maybe Brandt Brauer Frick or Little Dragon dancing on astro-turf. Jesus and check Friday all day: Four Tet, Agoria, Discodeine & Zinc in the daytime, Human League, Aphex Twin & James Murphy (outdoors as the sun comes up?!) in the night… Bleurgh… don’t get me wrong, I’ll no doubt be a massive hypocrite, with the allure of a rooftop party where CVS is playing or something but come on… this festival’s lush. Embrace it. Will try and do a bit of that ‘from the ether’ posting while I’m out there… I’ve heard there’s this great thing for that called ‘twatter’ or something? Anyway, fear not I’ll investigate…

Embarassing Bodies Live… wtf?! Can you sit down on skype and get your breasts out please? I mean don’t get me wrong I mean all for getting stuff seen to but to get someone to get their balls out on live tv seems a little odd… maybe I’m a prude?

“Our company from Ghana has available 900 kilos of gold dust; we are looking for serious buyers from around the world.” Which gets me excited and ties in nicely with the

Interesting new research on test purchases from spam e-mails. They bought pills, software, cigarettes, etc and were a bit surprised that almost all of the orders went through and actually delivered goods.The Windows CD we got was a clone and the Rolex was obviously fake, but they did send something. The researchers also carefully watched the credit card accounts created for the tests but they never saw any fraudulent use. Finally, the most surprising outcome was that they didnt see more spam to the e-mail addresses used to make the orders – Mr Shepherd has been doing a bit of research on spam

Is there a punk revival going on? According to Newsnight there is…

Anti Matter successfully trapped. Apparently it could do wonders for cancer treatments.

“Ayn Rand’s gospel of unadulterated laissez-faire capitalism seems to be gaining popularity among a new generation of followers.” Sertan Sanderson. Apparently the previously thought of madness of the thesis is being co-opted by the ‘tea-party’.
Super interesting All Watched Over By Machines series by Dan Curtis? Amazingly great. It came on randomly the other day and I realised that it was the same thing that had come up in conversation last week in relation to the Simon Reynolds retromania debae. Anyhow, I’ll stop rabbiting on in an incoherent fashion and just recommend you watch it on iplayer…

If you want to remember stuff don’t talk or think or write about it Excellent radio show on memory courtesy of Mr Thomas.

Prima dona DJs… you are just playing records at the end of the day. Starting sound like a Faith Shocking section aren’t I? Not that I wouldn’t love to sound like em… just well, you know… be a bit original eh wil?!

Carving the Mountains – looks fun. Ta for that R.

My shiny upscale home was once a cement factory. I like one of the comments below being untentionally pun-y. “I dont really like it, looks way too hard core to me…”

Quite fun, promo shopping bag designs

Inflatable Bag Monsters – Really great street art.

Is this just a checklist for the load of old nonsense I persist in writing here?

Optical illusions and small realities

Vector Park

Right, that’s enough biscuits from me this week… sure I’ll come back with some fun weird shizzle from next week or lots of free stuff from brands with too much money than sense… stop now wil. A cup of coffee’s done crazy stuff to me today, not used to it.

You have a yourselves a lovely weekend now y’hear. Plenty, plenty to do.

Tatty, tatty by…


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