Premiere: Matt Karmil – Juicy Fruits

The packet glared out at him from the shelf. It glowed with radiant colour and delight, he could practically taste the texture of what lay deep inside. His mouth began to water and he bubbled with excitement. It was a sunkissed dream, a tangy twist of spectacular proportions. The pleasure which he would soon retain from the taste of what lay within the silver lined paper would keep him awake for hours. Juicy fruit was the name of the game, the only one in town… It would be his.
Matt Karmil appears amongst a diverse array of company on the anniversary compilation from Hypercolour. In celebration of ten year's as a label they have invited the likes of Matthew Herbert, Roman Flugel, Luke Vibert to appear on a 16 track release. Matt Karmil contributes with "Juicy Fruit". Listen below:
The compilation is expected on the 11th of November HERE.