Sofa Life: Pinch Interviews Sherwood

Last month saw the release of a weighty collaboration from two stalwarts of bass music, a genre which some believe to be in decline. How wrong they are though, how could it be with such watchmen guarding the gates?
The influence of Pinch and Adrian Sherwood runs deep, their new LP 'Man Vs Sofa' indicated the continual importance they play within British electronic music, both independently and as a collaborative project. Their respective labels Tectonic and On U Sound remain two of the most innovative and groundbreaking imprints in Britain and beyond.
Their return to the studio was welcomed and acclaimed. Pinch interviews Sherwood below…
The new album is called Man Vs Sofa. Do you generally prefer to relax on a sofa or an armchair, given the preference?
I am definitely a sofa man given the choice. Who isn’t?
What are your favourite pieces of equipment in your current studio set up?
I have acquired a couple of ancient things recently, old bits of equipment and my current faves are an old Spring reverb and an Langevin EQ which I have waited years to get hold of, it features on certain bits of our current album.
Have you ever had studio envy when passing through or working in another studio – if so, who's studio/when?
Every time I see a bit of vintage gear in a studio with great bits of kit like compressors I get a bit envious or rather I have a lot of admiration, because I am very happy with what i have! I admire people with amazing old vintage gear as I am a fan of the analogue stuff.
Do you feel that On-U Sound has changed focus over the years, or does it still have a driving agenda behind it? What is it that still drives you to release other people's music?
To be honest with you I don’t really release other people's productions unless i am collaborating with another artist such as yourself Rob. The driving force of the label is survival hah. Of course I want to keep it going. I enjoy seeing the releases in vinyl still.
Tell us a bit about Shanty Town..
Shanty Town is basically a response to the festival Boomtown. There are marches and a festival in Ramsgate so we decided to put on a club night during it. You’ve played at it Rob – as you know I have had Dennis Bovell, Mungo’s Hifi, Congo Natty, Brother Culture, Daddy Freddy, L.S.K. Now it’s an underground club, in a venue with no electricity or running water, there's a big reggae soundsystem. It’s a magical place with candles, it’s a cross between a Shebeen – an old blues party which meets a 17th century inn and opium den.
If you were in a closed room with Donald Trump and no one else and no one knew he was there and you definitely had enough time to strangle him to death without ever being caught… Would you use your bare hands or some kind of strangulation device like a piece of rope or a garrote if it was made available?
My god what a question. To be honest I would try and get out of the room as quick as possible!
Do you like to cook and if so what are your favourite things to cook at home?
I love cooking, my mum wasn’t the best cook on earth, I knew what she was going to give me eveyday, bless her heart. As i have grown up I have learnt to cook. I am a pescetarian so I like cooking fish and vegetable dishes, West Indian and Japanese food and simple things such as salads.
You live in Ramsgate, what are some of your favourite reasons to give to someone for why they should move there from London?
Don’t come down here, stay where you are! Only joking. Ramsgate has worked out well for me, there are lots of artists and musicians here, it’s a very beautiful spot to live by the sea, it has a good music scene and it’s affordable. Ramsgate Music Hall was voted Best club 2016 by the NME, it has Shanty Town, a great recording studio, micro pubs, craft breweries – good vibes.
Get the album HERE. The album launch will take place HERE on the 11th of March.