8 Tracks: Of Joyous Modular Synth Introductions With Datach’i

It's safe to say that Joseph Fraioli knows more about geeked out synths and modular equipment than most. His latest album sees him attempt to create music without the use of any sequencers and computers which has led him down a solely modular apprach. Through careful orchestration and deep concentration the album allowed him to become one with the machines. Aptly titled "System" the record is a reflection upon personal development and follows Datach'i as he navigates the processes of production. The album was released last week on Timesig/ Planet Mu and as such now seemed like a better opportunity than ever to speak to Datach'i about his inspirations, points of reference and approach. He takes us through eight eye opening insights into the joyous world of glitches, beeps and modular synths…
Buy the release HERE.
Richard’s been making modular videos for quite some time now. You’ll find loads of inspirational videos on his Vimeo channel that range from sparse sound design focused landscapes with gestural events to complex beat oriented alien abduction jams and then there’s his more mellow melodic pieces. This is one of my favorites by him and has this feel to it that reminds me of still heat. If you like this track also check out Plaid’s “Do Matter” and Boards of Canada’s “Reach for the Dead”, all these tracks have got that still heat vibe and play nice back to back.